What?;   Why?;   When?


Three of the ‘four key questions’ that need to be answered to enable an appropriate, cost-effective business continuity strategy to be developed.

Business Impact Analysis

To enable an appropriate and cost-effective business continuity strategy to be developed, an organisation needs to be able to answer the following simple but important questions (the first three questions in Acumen’s ‘four key questions’ approach to business continuity management) :

  • What is important to the organisation in meeting its commitments and strategic objectives?;
  • Why are these things important, in terms of the business impacts that would be felt in the event of a disruption?;
  • When do these important activities and their supporting infrastructure and key dependencies need to be available in order to avoid unacceptable business impacts?

A business impact analysis will answer the above questions and, in doing so, enable the organisation’s senior management to confirm and agree :

  • The critical business activities and the timescales in which they should be recovered following a disruptive incident in order to avoid unacceptable business impacts;
  • The key dependencies for the continuity of these critical business activities;
  • The resources (people, facilities, plant, equipment, IT, telephony, etc) required, over time, for continuity/recovery of each of the critical business activities;
  • The level of investment that the organisation should make in order to ensure an appropriate business continuity capability.

The business impact analysis provides senior management with the information necessary to enable them to make informed decisions on the business continuity management strategies and helps clarify whether any existing arrangements meet, or how they fall short of business requirements.

“Analysis is the critical starting point of strategic thinking”

Kenichi Ohmae

Can We Help?

Our approach to business impact analysis has been developed and honed through extensive experience of analysing the business continuity needs of hundreds of client organisations. It is thorough, but simple, straightforward and practical, without unnecessary padding.

To find out more, email us at info@acumen-bcp.co.uk

What Our Clients Say

The approach that Andy takes to business continuity planning is a key reason we work with him. In particular, his approach to business impact analysis was conducted in a way that really engaged and enthused the business managers involved. Andy makes great effort to really understand the organisation and discusses business continuity in a practical and de-mystifying way

Aaron Carter
Group Business Continuity Manager