“The most elegant forms of managerial decision involve problems that never have to be solved because they are prevented from occurring…they are anticipated and side-stepped. The deliberate non-catastrophe is one of the most effective contributions a manager can make”

James Martin

Risk Assessment

All businesses are constantly faced with a number of risks, from fires, floods and technology failures to commercial risks such as exchange rate volatility, poor cash flow, loss of a major client or key supplier or litigation.

Significant risks have the potential to seriously affect an organisation’s business continuity. It is therefore important to understand the likelihood and potential impact of a particular risk materialising, so that priority can be given to mitigating the significant risks.

A risk assessment will identify particular threats and vulnerabilities to the business and its support facilities and recommend risk mitigation measures that can be implemented to address them.

The risk assessment typically involves a site survey and discussions with key business and support facility managers. The resulting report includes a summary of the identified risks with likelihood and impact ratings, the existing mitigation measures and additional risk mitigation options.

The risk assessment, in conjunction with the business impact analysis, enables senior management to make informed decisions regarding the business continuity strategies that are appropriate for the organisation.

“It’s likely that something unlikely will happen”



“Whatever can go wrong will go wrong”

Murphy’s Law

Can We Help?

From facilitating a risk assessment workshop or conducting a site survey to helping you to implement an enterprise-wide risk management methodology, we can help you meet your risk management challenges.

To discuss your specific requirements, email us at info@acumen-bcp.co.uk

What Our Clients Say

Acumen make managing risk simple but, as importantly, enjoyable. A few sessions with Acumen will enable you to side-step so many potential disasters it will be one of the best investments you make.

Mark Dufty
Managing Director
Goodflex Rubber Company